


Legend has it that Martin, born in Hungary in 316, was a soldier. He was the son of a Roman soldier. His name was given to him in honor of Mars, the God of War and protector of soldiers. At 15 he goes to Pavia (Italy). In France he embraced the priestly life, being famous as a preacher. He was bishop of Tous.

One November day, very cold and rainy, while in France at the service of the Emperor, Martin was riding his horse on the way to the city of Amiens when, suddenly, a terrible storm started. At a certain point, a poor man appeared begging at the side of the road. As if he had nothing, Martinho, without hesitation, took the sword and cut his soldier's cape in half, giving one half to the poor man to protect himself from the cold. At that time the rain stopped and the sun began to shine, inexplicably remaining almost a summer time.

Hence, we expect, every year, the summer of S. Martinho. And the truth is that S. Martinho rarely disappoints us. In his honor, we celebrate 11 November with the first chestnuts of the year, accompanied by new wine.

It is the Magusto, which is part of the traditions of our country. Magusto is a popular festival, the forms of celebration differ slightly depending on regional traditions. Groups of friends and families gather around a fire where the chestnuts are roasted to eat, they drink the jeropiga, water-foot or new wine.

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