


We list three preparation methods for you to make your Pilão coffee: paper filter, French press and coffee maker.

Using the paper filter, you need to heat 1 liter of filtered water and take it out before boiling. Use some of this water to scald the colander and remove any paper waste. After that, you can discard the water. Then add to the filter paper that is in the colander. Moisten the powder with the hot water and then pour the hot water in a circular motion.

The process in the French Press is similar. Heat 1 liter of filtered water and remove before boiling. Blanch the press with some of this water. Add, at the bottom of the French press, 80 grams of Café Pilão. Place the rest of the hot water in the press above the ground coffee and stir with a spoon to mix. Put the lid on the French press, but do not lower the plunger and wait for 4 minutes. After this period, press the plunger gently until your ground coffee is ready to serve.

In the Coffee Maker, the step-by-step is simpler. Just put the paper filter in the machine and add the same 80 grams of Café Pilão. Add 1 liter of filtered water to the coffee maker compartment and press the button to start the process. Wait for the coffee to be ready and serve when it stops dripping.


To be consumed, coffee must be roasted. The process of roasting the grain consists of submitting it to a progressive increase in the temperature to which it is exposed. The beans are continuously stirred so that the roast is as uniform as possible. This is an essential part of the final characteristic of the drink, as the degree of roasting demonstrates many of the properties of coffee. For each type of coffee there is a different degree of roast.

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